Individual Messages.


The last book of the Bible is complex and often misunderstood. Out of confusion and frustration, we often avoid it. But God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). In inspiring the Apostle John to write this book, God is wanting to inform His people. The word apocalypse means “unveiling.” It’s not God’s desire to hide His plans from His people, but to reveal them.


In this series of Christmas messages, we continue with our previous series on Biblical responses to hot topics of our day. There is no hotter topic during the month of December than Christmas. What better opportunity could we have than the Christmas season to remind one another of why Jesus came and what that means for us.


In this series of messages, we will provide Biblical responses to some of the hot topics of our day. Fulfilling the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:19-20, requires that Christians engage in sometimes difficult conversations. This series will prepare us to lovingly and respectfully share what the Bible teaches about such topics as racism, women’s rights, LGBTQ+, and others. Check back to see what topic we cover each week.

Summer of Psalms

We are jumping into the life of King David, known as the man after God’s own heart, a man of worship, and a man of faith. All other kings of Israel were compared to him, and he was chosen by God as one through whom Christ would be revealed to the world. This summer we will study the life of David, and the Psalms he wrote during specific times in his life, learning how to have a heart like his.

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Desire More

The overall goal of the Desire More sermon series is to get to know the person of the Holy Spirit, and how He can and does work in our lives.  In order to better understand the Holy Spirit, though, we need to set aside some of our pre-conceived notions and misconceptions. We need to take the Holy Spirit out of the box that we may have put Him in.  He is much bigger than most realize.

The Passion of Jesus

The two most important events in the entire history of the world took place within the span of three days: Jesus’ death and Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus’ death broke the power of sin and death, the two arch nemeses of the human race. Then Jesus ‘resurrection reflects the victory over sin and death that God has made possible so that we can rise to new life in this world and to eternal life after Christ returns a second time.

The Wisdom of Jesus

As we study portions of the book of Matthew, we will feel as if we are a part of the crowd, over two thousand years ago, that heard Jesus’ Words and learned from His Wisdom. We will find truth for everyday living and wisdom for our personal walk with God.

The Witness of Jesus

In this series we will reflect on the signs and symbols of Jesus’ ministry recorded in the gospel of John that announced His claim to be the long-awaited Messiah. We will explore Jesus’ messianic claims, including his “I Am” statements, his dramatic signs, and more. This study will challenge you to engage, examine, and explore aspects of Jesus’ witness as the Son of God sent to save the perishing. This wonderful series of messages will guide our worship throughout the Christmas Season and into the New Year.

The Parables of Jesus

In the short period of time that Jesus walked the earth His Words conveyed the heart of the Father. God the Son gifted us with His Words to sustain and guide us until He comes again. By the inspiration of His Spirit His Words were recorded and have fed the world Truth that has brought deliverance and wisdom. It is the calling of His people to know His Word and be equipped to speak it into the lives of others. When we speak His Word, shafts of Light penetrate and enlighten places once held in darkness. Those in darkness have seen a great light! (Isaiah 9:2, Matt. 4:16)

Romans Road Trip

For this series of messages, we will take a Romans Road Trip. The book of Romans travels the road to Salvation through Jesus Christ. Join us as we pack our bags for the journey through this life-altering book, memorizing verses together and applying the amazing truths found in Paul’s letter to the Romans. First message will be available on 7/12/22.

Real Love

This study in 1 John will help us understand what it means to have a vital relationship with Jesus and others. This relationship includes exploring real love and finding real life for our souls. But it also challenges us to practice obedient faith, even when it’s hard. The world needs to see Christians living out Jesus’ sacrificial love.

Encounters with Jesus

The stories of many who encountered Jesus over the last three years of His life on earth are recorded in the Bible. During this series we will discuss some of those stories and learn how an encounter with Jesus changed the course of people’s lives. We will also hear the stories of people today who have encountered Jesus and been changed. Have you encountered Jesus? How has that encounter changed your life? Are you ready to tell your story?

I Love My Church

“I Love My Church” is a study through the letter to the Ephesian church, giving the Biblical definition and purpose of the church. The church is often misunderstood. In this series we will learn what God’s Word teaches regarding the church.

Esther: Such a Time as This

The book of Esther, although the events took place approximately 2,500 years ago, is very relevant to our lives today. Although God is not mentioned in the book, He is at work behind the scenes providing strength and putting into place the connections and provisions needed to protect His people and fulfill His plans.

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Hiding In Fear

Remember when Adam and Eve disobeyed God?  Their first inclination was to hide in fear. Sin made mankind afraid of God, so instead of running to Him for help we run away from Him and hide in fear. When we are hiding in fear, everything is amplified to unhealthy levels.  Fear can cause us to act irrationally, believe things that are totally untrue, and make us feel exposed and unprotected.  But if we run to God, we find peace of heart and mind.  The Truth of God counters the lies, and we find the security we long for in His compassion, grace, and mercy.

Healing Choices

Jesus said in John 10:10, “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. But I have come that you may have life in all its fullness.” What sin shattered, God wants to reconcile and restore.  He wants to heal what is broken, making us whole and healthy in every way. In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus gives eight healing choices. If we choose them, He promises that we will be blessed.